Sunday, January 25, 2009

Homosexual sympathizers grab MLK's coattails

Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 1/21/2009 6:40:00 AM

A pro-family activist says it's outrageous that those pushing for a human-rights ordinance in a Pennsylvania county are invoking the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for their cause.

Last week the Allegheny County Council held a public meeting on a proposal to create a county-wide human relations commission and add to a human-rights ordinance the phrase: "actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity." During the meeting, Dr. King's name was invoked many times by those who support the ordinance.

Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, says it is clear that Dr. King would never have equated civil rights with special rights for homosexuals.

"There's no evidence that he viewed so-called 'gay rights' as a civil rights issue," says Gramley. "In fact, we have his youngest daughter, Bernice, saying her father did not take a bullet for gay rights; and his niece, Alveda King, saying that her uncle was a man of God and...would not preach that homosexual acts are acceptable in God's sight."

The Pittsburgh City Council has encouraged members of the Allegheny County Council to adopt the ordinance.

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