Sunday, January 25, 2009

California Assembly seems to be ignoring passage of Proposition 8.

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 1/25/2009 4:00:00 AM

According to Randy Thomasson of the Campaign for Children and Families, resolutions and bills introduced before the Assembly seem to indicate that passage of the pro-traditional marriage initiative means little in the state capital.

"The homosexual activists never stop claiming to be victims, even when they have an iron stiletto heel upon your neck. They will claim that they are being victimized by you," he contends. "They're intolerant, and now they're pushing even more legislation in the California government."

Proposition 8 protects traditional marriage, but Thomasson says one of the bills indicates activists are ignoring it. "What they're doing is trying to say that homosexuals who even refuse to register as domestic partners...should get all the rights of marriage if there is a death and a property tax issue," he explains.

Two resolutions put the Assembly on record against the outcome of Proposition 8 and recommend that the state Supreme Court overturn it.

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