Saturday, November 8, 2008

"Group" Status for Homosexuals and Prop 8

"Homosexuals are a group of people, bound not by ethnicity, creed, or religious affiliation, but by behavior. ... Behavior is something that is the government's business to control and regulate. The kind of protected status that homosexuals seek is something this nation has denied throughout its history. We have never allowed protected status based on behavior. Nor can we ever start, for it would be a recipe for chaos." Author Unknown

This statement is what I have always known and thought in a more abstract way and brings more clarity to the issue. The reason they are now coming out with all of the "scientific evidence" that homosexuals brains are different from heterosexual brains and that they can't help "what" they are (i.e. how they behave), is because they want to be thought of as a group and protected as such.  Why aren't groups of people who exhibit other behaviors Constitutionally protected as a "civil rights" issue.  Serial killers and people who are right or left handed all have differently functioning brains, as well.  What about people with ADD or OCD?  What about their group's civil rights?  The ACLU and several city and county lawyers are already ramping up to sue the state of California to overturn our vote, once more, under the guise of civil rights.  Behavior is supposed to be under control, hence the term self control. 

The entire idea that Prop. 8 wasn't going to affect schools and teaching in California is ridiculous, and if not such a serious matter, laughable. The California Teachers Association donated $1,000,000 toward the no on 8 campaign. They are the single largest donor to this cause. PG&E comes in second with three quarters of a million dollars. (Incidentally, I am changing my electricity/gas service to a cheaper, private utility carrier). The CTA, the same CTA who is always complaining and protesting about how they need more tax payer dollars to improve schools and get pay increases, wasted ONE MILLION dollars trying to get Prop 8 defeated.  My previous blog article about the kindergarten class in Hayward getting homosexual, etc. "tolerance cards" and having to sign them is a case in point. There are all kinds of teaching, indoctrinating and "tolerance" teachings going on now, without the passing of prop 8.  Can you imagine what would have been going on in public schools if the proposition would have actually passed?  

The Governor vetoed a bill on September 30th that would have instituted Harvey Milk Day, what sort of explanation would they have given the school children for having a day off to honor this person?  Surely, they will have to explain the man's sexual orientation to grade school children because the only thing this person did was be openly gay and a politician who championed gay rights in San Francisco.  According to Equality California's website: "This bill would require the governor to proclaim May 22 each year as Harvey Milk Day. It would encourage public schools and educational institutions to conduct suitable commemorative exercises on that date."  So... according to the very people who helped to bring the erroneous anti-prop 8 propaganda, they do want to indoctrinate our children after all.  "Suitable commemorative exercises" would be to explain what this person did to champion gay rights. What are gay rights, teacher?  Well, gay is a sexual behavior where one chooses a person of the same sex to be intimate with.  What is sexual and what is being intimate?  - A slippery slope of explanations would have to ensue, thus educating children who have no need to even be aware of these topics yet in their young inexperienced lives.  Also, no life experience to properly digest and fully comprehend the implications of what they would be learning and no filter, as of yet, to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong behavior.  Since they would be learning it in school from their teacher, who children inherently trust, it must be the correct behavior.  After all, teachers know better than parents, sometimes, in the child's mind.  Even broaching this subject to someone's young and impressionable children is unacceptable and wrong.  What happened to reading, writing and arithmetic?  They have cut a lot of  genuinely worthwhile extras from public schools such as music, art and sometimes even P.E.  So, my child would not be getting art or music instruction in the classroom, but let's teach her about the differences of sexual preferences, after all, there seems to be plenty of funding for that.  

1 comment:

Moving On Up said...

VERY well said!! Excellent, I totally agree!! Thank you!